Sanningen svider men lögnen dödar dig
Sorry about the sad writings yesterday, I was a mess. I made it through the whole movie, though. Today I havent been that sad actually, just feeling a bit goofy. And as the title of this day's blog says: The truth stings but the lie kills ya. Or you, if you'd rather write that. I ate too much yesterday. And today also, I think. I must loose some weight soon or I'll kill someone. If not myself. Noooo, just kidding! I wont die. And I wont kill anyone else either.
I'm biting my nails. Not because I'm nervous, it's just a bad habit. Have you noticed that everyone, and I mean everyone, uses shortings? You know like if you're (<-- see, there, I used one!) going to write "I will", you'd (<-- once again!) rather write "I'll", right? It's just the simpler way to do it. I don't know why, but it's just a thing everyone does, I guess..
Haha! Can't come up with anything else to write today, I think. I guess you're tired of reading this also, so I'll just say goodbye and dye my hair pink again. No one will recognize me afterwards, when I'm blackhaired again.. Or will you? I don't think you will! We'll see about that. =)
Anyways, gotta go dye my hair now..
(Kiss lät superkonstigt när man inte skrev "Puss" ju xD)
You forgot that "don't" is short for "do not". :P
Men xD
haha, jag tog ju inte alla exempel ju :D
Men xD
haha, jag tog ju inte alla exempel ju :D